Donna O'Donnell Figurski's Blog

It's All About Me!

On School #11 Marta’s Magic Mirror

Disclaimer: The name in this musing is changed to protect the “infamous.”

Seven-year-old Marta came to my desk. She held out a pretty mirror case – sort of like a woman’s compact. She was excited. She wanted me to see her treasure – to admire it. I examined the outside of the case and I told her how beautiful it was. Then I asked Marta if I could open it. She eagerly agreed. She was proud and she wanted to share.

I gingerly opened the case and took a peek. Then I quickly closed the lid. A look of shock covered my face. With wide eyes I looked at Marta. I slowly opened it again and stared. I couldn’t believe my eyes. This time I said in a surprised voice. “Marta! I didn’t know you liked me THAT much.”

Marta looked confused, but she kept her sweet smile on her face. The rest of the class had stopped writing in their journals – their pencils in midair. They didn’t want to miss out on the fun. They watched us. Soon a bunch of  kids swarmed my desk surrounding Marta and me.

I opened the mirror for the third time and smiled. “Look! everyone. I must be special. Look! Marta keeps me in her mirror.” Marta’s eyes darted to her friends. She didn’t know what to make of me. (So what else is new?) I angled the mirror so all the kids could see the reflection. AND … there I was – in Marta’s mirror.

Everyone giggled!

Then I angled the mirror again so that both Marta and I stared out from the reflection. We were both in her mirror … together. Together we slowly closed the mirror case and she slipped it safely into her pocket. With a little grin, she skipped back to her desk and began to write in her journal.

(Clip Art compliments of

April 2, 2010 - Posted by | Anything Writing, On School | , ,

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